And down in our schoolroom we added this shelf to keep the ocean boxes on. Remember the goal was "a place for everything and everything in its place"? There was no place for the ocean boxes and since they are a year long cumulative project they really needed a place. So now they have one. Below the ocean boxes you can see two more racks for 2 children's workboxes.
We also needed a place to hang our timeline, and we hit upon the idea to hang it in front of our laundry room doorway! This is at the foot of the stairs, the schoolroom is to the right and our unfinished laundry room/storage area is to the left behind the timeline. We can take it down when school is over for the day. You can see our timeline work prior to 1700 was non existent. :-)
So who all is doing workboxes with the racks? This is making me nervous because I don't plan on doing a single rack -- just an adapted system. Are you finding the racks really make a big difference?
And yes, the window needs a curtain now. If you give a mom a cookie . . .
About the TV -- do your children watch the MUS videos when others are in the room? I always separate ours for their different lessons. Maybe I shouldn't.
Beth, the younger 3 are doing workboxes with the racks. The older 2 are still using envelopes in one large tub. I don't think it's necessary to do racks with everyone, but I will admit it makes it easier on ME (easier to see everything, what's done and not done, saves time not having to slide things into envelopes or rubber band them to envelopes, etc). I have a few workbox tips I hope to share here soon.
The children mostly use the family room TV for MUS dvd's. Now that we school in the basement, the family room is quieter and they can concentrate better on the lesson. If two need to watch a lesson at the same time, we use the schoolroom TV also. It works out great for IEW dvd's though, for everyone to watch together. I organized it this way on purpose in preparation for our IEW co-op, the first month of which will be at our house.
p.s. Want to help me pick out a kitchen curtain?
Sure, I'll help you. What color do you want (or colors) and don't say something like "blue" since we had a long discussion last night on all the shades of blue. Also, give me the window dimensions and how far down you want it to go -- bottom of the sill, down to the ground (almost).
The kitchen does look so nice and airy! Thanks for posting the picture! :)
The kitchen does look so nice and airy! Thanks for posting the picture! :)
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