So as I mentioned previously, Little Man is participating in peewee soccer this fall. This is a short clip from his first game. Peewee games are so fun to watch! The players just look so teeny tiny compared to the older kids, and their field is so much shorter. Our older children kept saying they looked like little wind up toys playing on a toy field. It's hard to tell in the video because I couldn't zoom in, but Little Man is almost always the one on the far right. About 45 seconds in, he's the one who eventually lays on the grass, and when you hear people laughing, they would be laughing at him. :-)
Here he is warming up with his teammates before the start of the game (which they won by the way!). He is in the lower right corner.
Not to be outdone by Little Man's cuteness, sons G and L had their first game also! It was L's first game ever, since he has not played before this fall. They both did a great job! Here is first L and then G:

So is G girl not playing anymore?e
Sadly, she aged out of the highest division this league has. We mistakenly thought she could play one more season. She is very sad. :-(
I think those little ones playing soccer are too cute. None of our little guys are playing sports this year - just the oldest three.
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