Friday, August 31, 2007
Today's little daily things
Spent $324 at Sam's Club and $94 at Kroger.
Fed the 2yo a corn chips and cheese dip lunch while doing said shopping. Corn is a veggie, the chip part is a type of bread, the cheese counts for dairy, so that's 3 of the food groups, right?
Corrected the 3 older boys about 17 times while doing said shopping.
Took away 4 nickels because of the necessary correction while doing said shopping.
Put away $414 worth of groceries.
Baked bread.
Began contemplating the relationship between chest wall pain and stress.
Folded 6 loads of laundry.
Packed for 6 people to go away for the long weekend, while being thankful that our daughter can now pack her own things.
Realized (again!) how much work it is to get ready to go away.
Cancelled school.
Read books to the 2 year old.
Cleaned the kitchen. Twice.
Prayed popcorn prayers.
Left another message on someone's machine whom I'm desperately trying to get ahold of. Tried not to sound like a stalker.
Packed the van for our weekend trip to the cottage, our last big "hurrah" of the summer (followed closely by our first big hurrah of the fall - our upcoming trip to Jamestown and Williamsburg!).
Wondered if I should be concerned that when playing, one of my children always wants to be the bad guy.
Exercised in order to relieve all of the above stress.
Took a shower.
I think that's enough labor for one day, I plan to play the rest of the weekend! Have a great labor day weekend everyone!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mud-Daub Houses and The Pizza Palace
And here is the whole village.
We are the house of perpetual construction. Here is "The Pizza Palace" that was constructed today of legos. The large white square in the lower left corner is a drive through window that swings up and open. The worker in the red hat at the counter is taking an order from a customer in a black hat.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
First Day of School
Two year old A loved his new room time toy! A Fisher Price Little People garage.
After a couple hours of free time we ended our school day with dinner out at Denny's. A few years ago we started the tradition of going out for breakfast on the first day of school, but we switched it to dinner this year because kids can eat free there on Tuesday evenings. :-) Free is good!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Health Update
FOUND: The sippie cup with fermenting juice!! The .25 cent reward was claimed by our 5 year old son C. I think I can salvage the cup.
OVERHEARD: Our 2 year old son A saying, "I don't want to be the president, I want to be a duck."
STARTING: School tomorrow!!!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Health, Fear, and Trust
After two EKG's, two blood tests, several baby aspirin, an IV, oxygen, an overnight stay and a stress test it was determined that I did not have a heart attack and they sent me home. No idea what is causing the pain (which I still have) or why it so closely mimiced what a heart attack "typically" feels like.
So it has been a bit of a stressful week. I am thankful that all the individual tests and procedures I had this week showed nothing wrong, but I still have several areas of unexplained pain. I do have an appt with my regular Dr tomorrow morning to discuss where we go from here. Is there an underlying cause for the pain? Something that's treatable? Is it normal aging? Just something to live with? Lots of questions as yet unanswered.
I was afraid the day of the chest pain. It took me by surprise. I had moments of fear leading up to my repeat mammo, but God gave incredible peace too. Since becoming a mother I have struggled at times with fear over the safety and welfare of my children. And I realized this week that that was the crux of the fear I was struggling with. I don't want to die, but I am not afraid to die. I am ready to die, I know where I'm going, and at times I can't wait to get there! But I am afraid for my children. What would happen to them if something happened to me? My husband is an amazing dad, but he's a DAD. Honestly, he would have a hard time being a mom too (as I would have a hard time being a dad if the opposite were to happen). God is sovereign, I believe that, and He can and does weave what we consider to be tragic into something beautiful that glorifies Him. But I began to wonder if I really trusted God totally and completely with my children. Do I only trust a little? Only when things are going well? When the rubber meets the road, do I trust Him utterly with my precious children? I know I want to.
I am still wrestling with and praying over these thoughts. I had to chew on this a bit before I was ready to share publicly. Pray for me, that I will learn what it is God is trying to teach me, and that I would rest completely in His love for not only me, but for the 5 beautiful souls He has entrusted to us.
Edited at 11:15 pm to say that our daughter G is home and tucked into her own bed right now. I am supremely happy.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Today's little daily things
After this we picked up the rest of the family and went to Jungle Java for play time. Jungle Java is an indoor play facility for children with a coffee bar for the adults. My boys (even the 45 year old one) had a great time taking turns being the captive in the tubes and nets and letting the others rescue them. L was especially considerate of his 2 year old brother A, and we made a point of praising him for this.
We called our daughter at the cottage and she talked our ear off for half an hour. People at church would not believe this, but there is such a huge difference in her demeanor when she's with people she feels completely comfortable with.
I am re-reading a series of 3 books that I absolutely loved the first time. The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. She is one of my favorite christian fiction authors. I am nearly done with the second book, and got to read alot today. Yay!
There is a sippie cup with a quarter inch of juice fermenting inside lost somewhere in our house. I posted a .25 cent reward for information leading to its whereabouts, but so far no-one has claimed the reward.
Did I mention our daughter G is coming home tomorrow??!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Boy Time
After lunch we drove to daddy's "new" office for the first time. My husband's company moved to new digs and had an open house this afternoon for all the other businesses in the building to come and meet them. It was really nice to see some of his colleagues again, talk to several of the spouses, and see my husband's daytime environment. The boys had a great time checking out every single chair in the entire office! They love to spin around in them. They did a good job keeping their hands off of everyone else's computer, so that was good. Two year old A was rather hyper since he was missing his nap (I let him walk around the office with his paci in which helped him be hyper rather than grumpy - definitely the lesser of two evils when in a group setting). On the short walk from the parking garage to my husband's office we stopped to watch some workmen filling in a huge hole in the sidewalk with wet cement where a new drain pipe had been put in. We were right up there at the edge looking in. Construction vehicles and equipment are fascinating to all our boys, so this was a very fun thing.
Then we came home and made pizzas for dinner and watched a western style movie. It was a good boy day!
Mammo Update
Yippee, yippee, yippee!!! I had a wonderful time of praise and worship on the drive to the mammography center, and another time of thanksgiving on the way home. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Mother Daughter Date!
This morning before she left we were able to go out on a girl date. I left the boys at home with their favorite sitter and G and I headed out to a craft and antique mall. It's so much fun to window shop with our daughter! I love seeing what she likes and what she thinks is cute. I got several ideas for stocking stuffers. :-) She is interested in so many things and that makes her an interesting person. I already can't wait until she comes home!
Now I have to think of a few fun things to do with my boys while G is gone. Money is limited and it's extremely hot outside these days (read that: I don't really want to be out).....any ideas?? I do have a gift certificate to Jungle Java, maybe we'll check that out. It's our last weekend to "fling" before school starts on Monday! My husband and I are "flinging" every evening after the kids are in bed by watching "24" DVD's of season two. We started watching this show halfway through season 4 and so are we checking out past seasons from the library and trying to get caught up. I do love that show! Frivolous I know, but there you have it.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Repeat Mammo and Ultrasound
Our pastor preached a wonderful sermon this past Sunday on how to keep puzzling times from ruining your soul, and as I listened I was thinking "is God trying to prepare me for something?" Well, of course He is preparing me for something, I just don't want that something to be breast cancer. Don't you sometimes want to choose your trials? I have even rated past trials in my mind! You know, "this was a lot harder than that, I don't ever want to go through this again" type of thing.
Once again the bottom line is God. He is. He knows. He is there. He is with me. He is at work. He is trustworthy. It's all about Him! Lord, help me to keep my focus on You, where it should be, and off of me.
Monday, August 20, 2007
My "little" boys
C had a hard day today. I have seen it coming for 2 days and tried to ward it off at the pass this morning by spending lots of time with him, cuddling and reading, but apparently it wasn't enough. He has taken on the job of correcting his younger brother at every. possible. opportunity. In a very loud voice. Think shouting. When he perceives that he's been wronged the shouting turns into wailing "ma, ma, ma, ma" over and over. Kindof like a 2 year old!
Speaking of the 2 year old, he decided not to sleep during his nap time this afternoon. When I went upstairs to get him, I found him sitting in a pile of tape that he'd pulled out of all the cassettes in his room. I was able to salvage all but one. And thankfully the CD's were still all in one piece! Note to self: the third shelf up is not high enough.
I am going to have to make a concerted effort to fill their emotional tanks every day and not let them get lost in the shuffle of their older siblings' school. Getting ready for school has been a focus for me this summer, but I need to remember that implementing school is a lot more than the maps I've copied, the new workbooks that are sitting in their school cubbies, and the great literature waiting on the shelf. It's loving, training, and spending time with those littlest "students" who are not yet officially in school. Lord, help me to be a wise and discerning mom, as well as a wise and discerning teacher. Without You I would fail miserably, with You I am more than a conqueror!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Honey!!!
I don't want to miss this opportunity to tell you how thankful I am for you and how glad I am that you were born! I am grateful for the upbringing you received, the values that were instilled over the years, the great teaching you received about living the christian life while in the Navs. I am so grateful that God brought us together despite living on different continents at the time! That despite the miles separating us and all the years that passed since first meeting, God saved us for each other. You are a tremendous blessing in my life. Your steadiness comforts me while your sense of humor helps me be not too serious. You are so. much. fun!! And you are MINE!
Thank you for being a safe harbor for me throughout the storms we have weathered together. I love you with all my heart. And I will always love you, no matter what. :-)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Today's little daily things
My big project for the day was getting rid of the paper pile. Each item in the paper pile represented a task that took well more than a minute to complete (that's why there was a paper pile to begin with), so it literally took me all day, in small chunks, with many interruptions. If you receive a birthday card a couple months late, or pictures that were taken 2.5 years ago, or a 50th wedding anniversary memory page that was supposed to be mailed last summer, you are the blessed recipients of my hard work today!!! (yes, I am ashamed to admit that all of the aforementioned tasks are actual examples)
Here is the before picture......... (notice the open shade and the sunshine streaming in)
............and here is the after! (notice the closed shade - it was dark when I finished!)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Day at the Park
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
And now for something totally lighthearted
The cupcakes we ate.......
Amendment to Grief and Gratitude
So that's my theology and I'm stickin' to it!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Grief and Gratitude
If our twins had lived they would be 8 months old now and my life would be very different than it is. I miss them terribly. I am also grateful for the time I've had this summer to focus on each of our children's strengths and needs, to prepare for our school year and the excitement I feel at getting started again. I know that prep time would not have been available were the twins still with us. Such mixed emotions.
I am learning that a grand mixture of emotions can (and does!) co-exist at the same time surprisingly well. Sorrow and joy, pain and comfort, discontent and acceptance. In fact, sorrow makes the joy more intense, pain makes the comfort more genuine, and a feeling of discontent makes the acceptance that comes more meaningful. I have some longings that may never be fulfilled, but at the same time I have intense gratitude for my family and for each day of life that God grants us to enjoy one another. God is very gracious indeed, and so very patient. There is still so much I don't understand but I know that God is. And that's enough.
To my friend S, if you're reading this, I love you. I miss you. I am praying for you and thought of you especially yesterday and today. May God comfort all those with hurting hearts.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Today's little daily things
Our 2 year old said "fortunately" today. He didn't use it correctly but his pronunciation was pretty good! One of his bedtime stories had a picture of a butterfly in it. He said, "I want to catch that butterfly when I go into the book." ??!!??
Our 7 year old son L finished another book today. That's his third one this summer. He is on the cusp of reading well and it's really exciting to watch!
A little girl in our neighborhood who has had trouble following the rules of our yard was very respectful to me this evening. Wow!! I had to tell her "no" and she said, "okay" without pouting or whining. I am so thankful.
Here is a dinosaur museum our children made out of legos this afternoon during quiet time. Everyone but the 2 year old worked together on it. Didn't they do a great job? You probably can't see too much detail, but they have teeth displays, and a workman is standing on a white ladder cleaning off the largest black dinosaur. Inside the building there is a ticket counter and a gift shop. I love how creative they can be.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The good part about taking the baby monitor out is that it was part of a larger project, cleaning and rearranging his room. Since we took the crib down a couple months ago his rocking chair has been at an odd angle kindof sticking out into the room. So I moved some things around, switched his books and toys to the opposite bookcase, and thoroughly cleaned. Now his rocking chair is in a corner and he is excited to have a "new" room! That's the good thing.
Then we decided to have a wonderful homeschool moment and go see the Perseid meteor shower. So we put the kids' pajamas on and set out at 10:00 PM to find a dark field somewhere where we could lie on a blanket and watch the show. Our son C fell asleep after about 2 minutes of driving. The 7 year old and 8 year old kept making Star Wars noises in the back seat which were extremely annoying. As we were driving the cloud cover began rolling in (it's supposed to rain tonight) and by the time we were a half hour out in the country you couldn't see a single star. So we turned around and came home and all the children went to bed late, grumpy, and disappointed (except for C who slept through the whole drive). That's the ugly thing.
I am going to bed now too, also grumpy and disappointed. I'm so glad God loves me anyway.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Today's snapshots

I finally finished the last of the canning today so I have my kitchen counter back!!! And I completely finished the paver walkway down the middle of our vegetable garden. Whooo-Hoooo!! I am tired but happy.
* I do not claim that my children will be smarter, get higher test scores, or be more godly for being homeschooled.
* I do not claim to be an expert in educational theory, methods, learning styles or curriculum. Just an expert in my own kids.
* I do not claim to be a better mom, a more committed mom, or in any way, shape or form supermom, for homeschooling. Just a mom trying to be obedient and doing the best that she can.
* I do not claim that my children will never run in church, never lie, hit, kick or scream, or never run past you without saying hello (in fact I can pretty much guarantee that they will do all of the above).
* I do not claim to be an expert in anything food related, including bread making. Just familiar with my own experiences.
* I most definitely do NOT claim to be an expert in potty training. I do have an opinion that has been formed as the result of numerous failures.
* I do not claim to be an organizational guru, or a scheduling expert. But I love to try!! :-)
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Getting Ready for School - Part 2
In many ways this preparation has taken much more time, thought and effort than the organizing. It started and continues with much, much prayer. Prayer is the foundation of all that we, as a homeschool family, strive to accomplish. Prayer for the character development of each of our children (and the teacher!), for insight and discernment into their unique learning styles, for wisdom in choosing curriculum that is best suited to each child, for strength and patience for the teacher and principal, for courage and hope on the dark days, for humility on the good days. I continually marvel that as a child of God I have such immediate access to the King of Kings, and I am continually blessed by the privilege that it is to pray so intently for my children. I am confident that no matter what other teachers my kids may have, none of them will bathe our children in as much prayer. It's one of my greatest joys as a parent!
During my prayer times for our homeschool this spring and summer, the Lord directed me to find ways to streamline the school process as much as possible so as not to exasperate our children (Eph. 6:4) and to help me avoid burnout. To that end we are eliminating several subjects for our younger students and combining them all into two practices called copywork and dictation. Dictation is writing down the words or sentences that your teacher quotes to you, and copywork is the natural extension of that, copying appropriate passages into a notebook. Both copywork and dictation, when done properly, cover spelling, penmanship, grammar/english, and listening skills.
I purchased the following copybook (e-book format) from that is filled with quotes from Benjamin Franklin. We will be studying early American history this year so it fits perfectly! I printed out all the pages of the e-book and our daughter G put them into a 3 pronged folder.
I learned so much just from printing these pages out! For instance, I'm sure you've heard of that saying, "there's nothing certain in this life but death and taxes" but did you know that it is really part of this larger quote from Ben Franklin?
This copybook will be for our daughter, a fifth grader. She will copy the quote in her best cursive writing and then write what she thinks it means. Our third grade son is also using a copybook, and our second grade son and kindergarten son will be doing dictation with me.
Something we are adding this year just for our fifth grader is a notebook timeline. I purchased this "Book of the Centuries" from will be skipping ahead to the 1600 page since that is where we are starting in history this year, but Lord willing our daughter will get to fill in the previous pages when we do our next history rotation! I purchased this CD of timeline figures to print out from
My friend and fellow TOGGER (user of Tapestry Of Grace) Beth shared with me that children need about 2/3 input for 1/3 output. In other words, they need to take in information twice for every time they spit it back out (did I get that right Beth?). Our second grade son L is still struggling to learn his math facts, so using this information from Beth, I made a custom set of flashcards for him that has the answer written on every card (it's impossible to find commercial flashcards that have the answers on the front!). He will say the whole problem outloud, with answer, several times before I cover up the answer with my finger and expect him to recall it. Hopefully this will prove a useful tool for us this year!
I have read, re-read, and re-re-read the teacher's notes in our history notebook. Some of my fellow TOGGER's may be aghast to learn that I do write all over my pages! (insert audible gasp here)
I still need to gather everything we need to put together our science notebooks, but that should be quick and easy. Once I have the materials, each of the children will make their own notebook. This is our first year to do "formal" science and we are really excited. We will be learning about birds and insects (Apologia's elementary series, Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day).
We have also done some fascinating research into how the brain stores information, and the subsequent implications for our homeschool, but I'll save that for another post as this one is already a novel!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Getting Ready for School - Part 1
I decided to tackle the school prep on two fronts: home/physical organization and mental/school preparation. I will write about the second one in another post. To help me out with all this preparation I hired a mother's helper for the summer. He comes once a week for several hours and entertains the children while I clean, organize, read and think. What a blessing he has been! (thank you so much P!!!)
First I mopped the kitchen floor because life is just better with a non-sticky floor. Then I bought this bookcase from IKEA and organized all our books for the upcoming year. The bottom row of cubicles is reserved for toys for our 2 year old (it has been better organized since this picture was taken).

I have a few "hot spots" to de-clutter and the 2 year old's new "room time" toy to buy, but we are pretty much physically ready for the school year. I always get so excited to start a new school year, it's hard to wait until Labor Day!