Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Out of Sync Day

Today was just a little "off" all day long. I struggled with balance today. And I was not a very good mom. I had to do a few MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) things this morning, then we picked our van up from the shop. Then came lunch, and occupational therapy for one of our sons. By the time we were all settled together to do school it was the middle of the afternoon. My kids thrive on routine. And today had no routine. So we all kindof floundered.

How do I demonstrate the importance of service to others without shortchanging my own family? Maybe it's more in my attitude than in my actions. I didn't have the best attitude today. Another factor is that despite the fact that homeschooling allows us to be flexible with our schedule, there is such a thing as being too flexible. Or maybe it was just my attitude again.

On the upside, we figured out a way to pay for our van repair that did not involve a credit card. God is good!

As Scarlett O'Hara would say, "tomorrow is.......another day!"


votemom said...

my little blonde girl had an out-of-sync day. she was either crying or whining or saying "no" ALL DAY.

thankfully, today is much better!

saying a prayer right now for things in the C home.

BlessingintheBattle said...

Praise God for each new day! I am praying that today is much more "in sync!"

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the days we've had like that. I much prefer to stay home all day. =)