See how our lima beans have grown!
Ready....set......GO! Paper airplane wars.
Here is the winning plane. Sleek, isn't it? Son G named it "Arrow Two" (apparently there is also an "Arrow One").
Our son who lives with SPD had an exceptionally good day today!! I am so very thankful. Our therapist said when we first began working with her that her goal was to get him to smile more. He has such a beautiful smile and a great sense of humor, but some days neither one shows very much. His therapist will be very happy to hear tomorrow that he smiled a LOT today and seemed like a regular, happy kid. Thank the Lord!
I am fairly certain that we are reaping benefits from his occupational therapy and listening therapy, but I also believe that concerted, fervent prayer is making an enormous difference. I'm so thankful to serve a LIVING God, who is powerful and yet personal. He is good!
sounds and looks like it was a good monday at your house - i'm glad!
I like the way that the book holders make dividers on the table between students. Very clever!
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