Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Weekend in Pictures (with a few words)

I hung a couple new hooks in our basement stairwell where the kids hang their coats. One of my small but frequent annoyances has been taking out the Awana stuff from everyone's backpacks on Thursday and putting in co-op stuff. Where do I keep the Awana stuff in the meantime? To solve this problem I hung a basket on the top hook. This is the new home for our Awana vests and Tiny Tots shirt in between Wednesdays. The hook below the basket is the new home for our son C's "church bag" - his quiet activities for worship service. I am a happier mommy now. As my friend Amy says, "it's always the little things." (and I'm kindof proud of the fact that I did this all by myself!!)

On Saturday evening we went to an event at another church (the church where we meet for co-op). They were hosting the "Stand Strength" team, which is a group of power lifters who lift, break and bend things with incredible strength, all the while weaving scripture into their demonstration.

Here's Little Man waving his glow stick during praise and worship at this event.

Getting ready to break through 20 patio bricks, 10 with each elbow. This was truly amazing!

Lifting a 400+ pound telephone pole.

Inflatables!! (I know these are blurry pictures, but the children wanted me to put them on my blog) :-)

Earlier in the day on Saturday I had a successful buying experience at the homeschool book fair. Here is most of what I bought (most of it for next year), minus our Math U See materials which will be coming in the mail this week. That pile alone will be about 8 inches high!

Spelling, grammar, phonics.

I couldn't resist a few books to include in our current history study, and a couple for next year.

A few new art supplies and a cool new lace-up activity for Little Man to use in his "schooltime" next fall (he asks to "do school" all the time!).


votemom said...

it really IS the little things that can bring joy and pleasure. i understand that completely! hooray for new hooks!

Anonymous said...

It seems so EARLY to have a homeschool bookfair! ;) We don't have ours until May! =0