Sunday, October 7, 2007

Beautiful Girl

Our daughter G all dressed up for church this morning in her new outfit!

Isn't she beautiful?! Such a lovely young lady she is becoming. She is a continual joy to my heart.
My husband absolutely made the right decision yesterday when he invited the two neighbor children in to watch a movie with us.
Apparently I am still allergic to bees, because the bee sting I received yesterday prevented me from going to church today. It is on my inner thigh, is very red and swollen (about the size of my hand with fingers spread out) and hot to the touch. It hurts pretty badly too. If it's not better in the morning I'll be heading to the Dr. Through my Benadryl induced fog, I very happily got to watch 3 football games today!! Sadly, my home team lost but I love them anyway.


Anonymous said...

Lovely daughter and outfit! I'll pray for your bee sting! Mine was a doosy last summer! Say, that tealish recliner looks just like one we used to

votemom said...

she looks darling!

be careful with that sting... take care of the Mama!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful and I love her outfit. She did a great job picking it out.

The bee sting sounds awful. I agree with votemom, be careful and take care.

Pam said...

Laurie, LOL about the chair!! So we have 3 pieces of furniture so far that are/were the same. Wonder how many more??

Everyone, thankyou for the compliments on G's outfit. My red area is bigger and worse today so I have a Dr's appt at 11:40. Just want to be sure it isn't turning inton cellulitis, and that if it is, we head it off at the pass. I had a bee sting last year on my arm that turned into cellulitis and I'd like to not repeat that experience.