C with the bug he made out of foam pattern shapes. (if you're familiar with Discovery Toy products, these are called "playful patterns". I purchased them from DT many years ago and we have gotton so much use out of them!!)
A with the sun and bird he made (with my help). A few weeks ago I made the comment to him that we were going to do an "activity", and now every day when I get him out of roomtime he says, "is it time for my activity now?" It's so cute!
G working on her drawing of a teddy bear during my drawing class at co-op. Drawing is the second class I teach, besides my colonial america class. Me, drawing? you ask? Yes, I am actually a pretty good "draw-er" (I know that's not a real word, just indulge me) when I follow the steps that are outlined in the art curriculum I'm using for this class. Who knew?? It's actually really fun for me!! And G LOVES it.
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