Friday, December 14, 2007


An army invaded our home this week. They started creeping in at one end of the house.....(I think they were dropped by parachute)

...and took cover behind the kitchen chairs....

While the opposing army rolled in from the opposite end of the house.

It was quite a battle! I'm not entirely sure which side won, when it was time for school to start both armies kindly moved their battle to the basement. In fact, I think they are still down there fighting!


Anonymous said...

LOL, cute!
Reminds me of the movie "Night of the Museum"

-Where all the things in the museum come alive.. little soldiers too.

Vanessa (from the Loose Threads Group)

Anonymous said...

Correction, it's "Night At The Museum"

A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc...

Maybe not for the kids...

Anonymous said...

How funn! My kids have never played with toys like this!

votemom said...

a good reminder that the battle IS always raging...

keep praying the Word in your home!

very cute pix - something 15 yrs from now that you will look back at with warm fuzzy feelings ;o)

lazy susie said...

You must have boys.

Pam said...


Dh and I loved that movie!! Waiting a bit before showing it to the children, though.

Susan, how did you know??!