Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Joy to the World

Today was a hard day. Not bad, but hard on mama. The children were up late last night, today was the "day after", and some stuff has come up that is sapping my emotional energy. I am tired.

My husband had a meeting after work tonight so we had dinner and went to Awana without him. We were late for Awana and I did not care (usually I care deeply!). I did not practice verses with my children before hand, and I did not care. Oddly enough, not caring was rather freeing today! Still, I drove off to church feeling drained, sad, tired, overwhelmed.

It was not a MOPS night, so after dropping off all the kids at their respective places, I decided to sit in the back of the sanctuary and listen to the worship team practicing for this coming Sunday. They were practicing an oldie but goodie, "Joy to the World". Nothing fancy. No unique arrangement. Just the tune I've known since I was a child. The tune kindof blended into my subconscious, while I directed my attention to the WORDS that were displayed on the large screen. Amazing words. Wonderful words! Words that ministered to my spirit.

Joy to the World,
The Lord is Come!
Let earth receive her King.
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and heaven and nature sing.

I sat there for several minutes, even as the worship team stopped singing to tweak their instruments, and let the words burn themselves into my heart. The Lord has come. He is with me. I am not alone. Nothing is bigger than His power to overcome. Thank you, oh thank you Lord, for coming! Thank you for being my Emmanuel. For being with me. Thank you for reminding me to lay my burdens down and just revel in your presence. Help me to keep my eyes on You. It is so easy to lose focus. But I am lost without You.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for being here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

{{{Pam}}} I am praying for you! I hope you are doing better now! Blessings,